HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE NEW YEAR: Tools and Tips for Effective Goal Setting

Happy New Year!
Starting a new year brings about a mix of emotions for everyone. Fear, anxiety, excitement, stress, motivation, and a whole lot more.
Regardless of how you're feeling about the new year beginning, it's the perfect time to strategise and plan out exactly how you want it to pan out.
Now, I know how daunting the thought of planning out an entire year in advance may seem. That's why I will be sharing the tips and tools I use in this post - so that you can see how fun and simple the process can be!
1. Manifestation Journal
If you've been following me for a while, you'll know I'm a big believer in manifestation and the art of making things possible YOURSELF!! If you've no idea what I'm talking about, please feel free to watch my Manifestation for Beginners video.
With that being said, I use this Manifestation Journal bundle to help me plan out my days/weeks/months whilst practising manifestation at the same time!
If you'd like a deeper diver into how I use the journals, watch this video.
2. XMind
In order to figure out my goals for the year ahead, I find mind mapping a really helpful tool. I currently use XMind (the free version) to map out the main categories I want to focus on for that year, e.g. Finance, Career, Health, Personal Development, Relationships. Once I know what areas of my life I want to focus on, I list out the goals I want to achieve under each one and use this as a reminder throughout the year of what I'm working hard for.
This is in no way an exercise that's meant to pressurise you or create added stress to make sure the goals are achieved. It's more of a motivation tool to help keep you on track throughout the year and give you a sense of direction. After all, if you don't write down your goals, how will you know you've achieved them when you look back a year from now?
3. Vision Boards
If mind mapping isn't really your thing, you may like the idea of a vision board. This is basically a visual representation of your dream life which you curate using inspiring pictures.
If you'd like to find out more about vision boards, you'll want to check out my dedicated blog post here.
Hopefully these tips have been useful, let me know if you have any more to add!